With the glorious success of #PrashanthKishore, Political Consulting Industry is likely to emerge as a booming Industry by providing various opportunities to digital marketing companies, advertising agencies, research organisations and analytics companies.
In this article, I am trying to unleash the trends which may impact 2018 & 2019 elections for Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh and Central elections.
Websites : People may browse websites to know the complete information to track the latest information about politicians and contestants. Modi has made a remarkable impression among audience with his perfectly content curated website.
Social Media : Social Media is going play a dominant role for politicians to promote their activities. Social Media is likely to impact a lot in urban areas. However with the internet penetration and massive growth of smart phones suggest that rural indians are also active in Whatsapp, Facebook & Youtube. With the Facebook and Youtube paid campaigns, politicians can target right voters using location and interest filters.
Analytics : Web & Social Analytics give a clear picture for understanding the election campaigns performance. Political parties are likely to use advanced analytics like Google, Social Media Intelligence and Search Analytics.
Mobile : Politicians and political consulting organisations depend upon SMS and Interactive voice response calls for reaching wide range of reach. The main advantage for this is price is relatively cheap.
Content Strategy : Consulting Organisations & Politicians rely on interactive and creative content for better reach. In politics, Call To Actions are completely from B2C & B2B models. Influencers give call to actions by stressing special focus on real time hastags and long tail keyword marketing.
Kalyan Chandra
Kalyan chandra is a political strategist, media and communication consultant with the expertise in public relations, marketing, political research, election campaign management, psephology and digital analytics. He focuses on strategic political consulting, offering services that include competitive research, public opinion collection, and digital media management. Kalyan has significantly contributed to successful campaigns across India with his meticulous approach and deep understanding of the political landscape.